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The Importance of Theological Pairs
“Many disagreements in theological matters come from only holding to one of two complimentary theological truths.” - Feeding on Christ
PRRI Study Finds 10% of Americans are Christian nationalists; 68% are skeptical or rejectors
“White evangelical Protestants are more supportive of Christian nationalism than any other group surveyed. Nearly two-thirds of white evangelical Protestants qualify as either Christian nationalism sympathizers (35%) or adherents (29%).” - PRRI
Google, YouTube taking steps to protect users from explicit content
“Google will automatically blur sexually explicit images in search results regardless of security settings, the company announced Feb. 7 in one of the latest moves among tech giants to limit unintentional pornographic viewing online.” - BPNews
Grace Community Church Rejected Elder’s Calls to ‘Do Justice’ in Abuse Case
“The elders had publicly disciplined a woman for refusing to take back her husband. As it turned out, the woman’s fears proved true, and her husband went to prison for child molestation and abuse.” - CToday
Are God’s “Plans” for You What Jeremiah 29:11 Really Means?
“How, we may wonder, should we balance a sound reading of the Bible with more immediate application? The answer is found not so much in ‘balance’ as in considering the proper steps to application.” - Word by Word
Young Men Need Better Than Andrew Tate’s Masculinity
“His videos drip with bravado and confidence, but he’s peddling a twisted version of masculinity that runs counter to the biblical picture.” - TGC
Are Christians supposed to be happy?
“some Christians, in the name of moral obligation, wear frowns, dutifully living a paint-by-the-numbers religious existence, and proudly refraining from what ‘lesser’ people do to be happy. They seem to wear their displeasure as a badge of honor.” - Randy Alcorn
New Tim Keller Center for Apologetics Hopes to Help Churches Reach a Changing Country
“the center hopes to support ‘a new generation of bold evangelists and effective apologists who will communicate the unchanging gospel for a changing world.’” - C.Leaders
The Center’s launch page at TGC
Why we need a 'Joshua Harris rule'
“in our own impatient age, we might adapt Solon’s advice: ‘Read no self-help book until the author is at least forty with kids.’ For, as another wise man once said, ‘gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.’” - World
Democratic National Committee passes resolution condemning ‘white religious nationalism’
“The authors noted that faith leaders from across the religious spectrum have condemned religious nationalism — particularly Christian nationalism or white Christian nationalism — in recent years.” - RNS
A New Shaper Iron Is . . . Still Coming
Some months ago, I announced that a site update was in progress for the near future. Though an update never seems quite “ready,” I’m here to announce that we’re going to do it anyway!
The plan at present is that will go offline Thursday February 16, transmogrify, then open for business again Tuesday morning, February 21.
How it’s going
A few random thoughts on the process:
10 Ways I Need to Listen Better (and Talk Less)
“I’m not a very good listener. I tend to have multiple things on my mind, and they hinder my ability to hear well. I need to listen better—and that probably means talking less.” - Chuck Lawless
Are You Relying on the Spirit or a Hunch?
“We must use caution when we sense that ‘holy hunch.’ Is it from the Holy Spirit, our gut, or, worst of all, the Enemy who seeks to deceive us (Rev. 12:9)” - TGC
Lifeway: Pastors Encourage Racial Reconciliation, Churchgoers Want More Diversity in the Church
“…American churchgoers, 49% say their church needs to become more ethnically diverse, including 18% who strongly agree…. nearly 7 in 10 say their church is doing enough to be ethnically diverse (69%).” - Lifeway
Psychedelic churches in US pushing boundaries of religion
“The rising demand for ayahuasca has led to hundreds of churches like this one…protected from prosecution by a 2006 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. In that case, a New Mexico branch of a Brazilian-based ayahuasca church won the right to use the drug as a sacrament” - RNS
Five Reasons Historical Theology is Necessary for the Local Church
“what happens if we ignore those who have come before? To ignore voices from the past is to be guilty of chronological snobbery. It reveals our hubris in assuming that we have no need for the past riches of the Christian inheritance.” - London Lyceum
ESV Copyright
Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.