Glossary of Online Acronyms

Welcome to the GoOA


AFAIK= as far as I know

KWIM= know what I mean

BTW= by the way

IOW= in other words

IRL= in real life (as opposed to on the Internet!)

FWIW= for what it’s worth

IMO= in my opinion

IMHO= in my humble opinion

LOL= laugh(ing) out loud

NVM= nevermind

OP= opening post or opening poster

ROFL= rolling on the floor laughing

ETA= edited to add

TMI= too much information

OTOH= on the other hand

IFB= independent, fundamental Baptist


dh= dear husband

dw= dear wife

dd= dear daughter

ds= dear son

mil= mother-in-law

fil= father-in-law

yo= years old

yob= years old boy (e.g., my 11 yob)

yog= years old girl (e.g., my 6 yog)