Recent Shootings Spur Pastors to Call Out White Supremacy


“The El Paso tragedy marks the second US attack this year involving a young white man who named the New Zealand mosque gunman as inspiration (as did the California synagogue shooting suspect back in April).


Americans Now Have Less Faith in Tech Than Church


“No other major institutions examined by Pew—colleges and universities, labor unions, banks and other financial institutions, large corporations, national news media, and churches and religious organizations—saw as severe a decline in support as tech brands.” - Christianity Today


Church Leaders Respond to Trump’s Baltimore Diatribe


“After President Donald Trump tweeted over the weekend that the Baltimore district of Rep. Elijah Cummings is a ‘disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess’ and ‘no human being would want to live there,’ the city’s religious and civic leaders have rallied to its defense.” - Church Leaders


“The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics”... is about the way in which social media brings out the worst of the tribalism and idiocy in our contemporary politics


“As my book argues, people do not go to social media hoping to learn things about the world. They go to social media hoping that attention will be paid to them. That’s what social media is: a sad, sprawling bazaar in which attention is exchanged and bartered.” - Kevin Williamson


Pew: What Americans Know About Religion


U.S. adults generally can answer basic questions about the Bible and Christianity, but are less familiar with other world religions” - Pew
