Life Has No Meaning? 9 in 10 Young People in the UK Believe That


“A recent poll in the United Kingdom revealed that 89%—nearly 9 in 10—of young people, aged 16 to 29, ‘believe that their lives have no meaning or purpose.’ This saddening statistic is explained with a corresponding statistic shared in the same article—only 1% of this age group identifies as belonging to the Church of England…. In England, such attendance is down to less than 5%.” - AiG


“Something is sick with the American male”


C. S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man is a collection of lectures he delivered out of concern for how the British education system, which was just one presentment of a larger societal disease, was inculcating subjectivity and ‘values’ unmoored from any objective notion of value, order, and virtue.


Trump must name and condemn the evil of white nationalism


“You could call the killer who shot up a Walmart in El Paso evil, a madman, or a lone wolf, if you like. But it would be an intolerable omission if we did not also call him a white nationalist terrorist. This ideology is a growing sickness in America, and President Trump has a duty to thoroughly and roundly denounce it.” - Washington Examiner
