Mother Whose Child was Given 'Gender Transition Care' without Parental Consent Appeals to Supreme Court


“Calgaro’s appeal to the Supreme Court comes after the Eighth Circuit ruled against her. Judge Colloton argued that ‘Calgaro’s remaining claims for declaratory and injunctive relief against the several defendants are moot. E.J.K. has turned eighteen years old, ceased to be a minor under Minnesota law, and completed her education in the St.


UN Singles Out Israel as Violator of Women’s Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters


“The UN reached new heights of absurdity by singling out Israel alone on women’s rights, yet saying nothing on Iran holding women’s rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh behind bars, Saudi Arabia jailing and torturing women’s rights activists, and subjugating women under harsh male guardianship laws, or on Yemen denying women hospital treatment without the permission of a male relative” -


‘The Next Big Religious Freedom Case Just Landed at SCOTUS’


“… it’s simply wrong to equate the government interests in combating the systematic oppression of the Jim Crow South with the City of Philadelphia’s interests in discriminating against a religious program that is directly advancing the public interest by caring for children who face great need.” - David French


AG Barr Reinstates Federal Death Penalty after 16-Year Hiatus


Barr: “Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President… The Justice Department upholds the rule of law — and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.” - National Review


Faith groups urge State Department to abolish new ‘unalienable rights’ commission


“(W)e view with great misgiving a body established by the U.S. government aimed expressly at circumscribing rights through an artificial sorting of those that are ‘unalienable’ and those to be now deemed ‘ad hoc,’” the letter reads. “These terms simply have no place in human rights discourse.” - RNS


On Court Prophets and Wilderness Prophets


“Whether you view Trump as a David or an Antipas, whether you serve at the court of the resplendent king or stand over against the court from the wilderness, one thing Nathan and John the Baptist held in common was that both were willing to condemn unrighteousness in their rulers—even if it cost them everything.” - Christiatnity Today


There’s a Legal Cure for Woke Corporations’ Religious Discrimination


“If you stay in the legal trenches long enough, you learn a central fact of our cultural conflict: Intolerant overreach often breaks the law. An effective legal response to such intolerance often takes time to generate, but when it comes, it can break waves of discrimination and lawlessness.” - David French
