Robot priest added to 400-year-old Buddhist temple in Japan: 'It will grow in wisdom'


“The Kodaji Temple, in a partnership with the robotics team at Osaka University, unveiled ‘Mindar’ earlier this year. The robot is a 6-foot tall android, made of silicon and aluminum and modeled after Kannon, the Buddhist deity of mercy who preaches what is called the ‘Heart Sutra’ in Japanese, with English and Chinese translations projected on a screen for tourists.” - Fox


Kentucky bans abortions after fetal heartbeat is detected


“Bevin’s ceremonial signing of the heartbeat abortion ban came as another Kentucky abortion law, one that requires abortion clinics to have a written agreement with a hospital to transfer any patient with a medical emergency, is being challenged in the courts.” - Christian Post


Court cases continue for 4 Christian business owners


“The Kentucky Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Aug. 12 in the case of Blaine Adamson, owner of Hands On Originals apparel company, who will defend his decision to refuse to print T-shirts for a 2012 gay pride festival.” - BPNews


Drucker on the church that puts economics in perspective


“The economy is a system through which we exchange value and make a contribution that benefits both ourselves and others. Accordingly, it would be tempting to arrive at some judgment of our own value as a person based on the rewards that arise through our economic participation. Of course, that isn’t true or even mostly true.” - Acton
