Is Capital Punishment for Today?


“True, New Testament believers do not live under the Old Testament economy, but that does not render the Old Testament obsolete—or even nearly so.” - AiG


“The liberal tradition has some serious philosophical weaknesses, especially in anthropology. It has also contributed to the development of political and religious liberty.”


“We can be tempted to use terms to make a splash or win an argument at the expense of complexity. You see this today with everyone condemning or praising liberalism. The term has become so vague that it increasingly means ‘stuff I don’t like’ to some and ‘progress and freedom’ to others.” - Acton


Can Christian Compassion Influence How We Treat Migrants?


“It is clear, the enforcement-deterrence only approach employed by the Trump administration has not worked on its own. While new measures employed by Mexico at its southern and northern borders go into effect and initial reports are that the numbers of asylum-seeking migrants declined in June, we must step back and look at the bigger picture of why migrants are coming here.” - Bulwark


Gallup: Confidence in Organized Religion at All-time Low in the U.S.


“Americans’ confidence in the church or organized religion continues to erode, with 36% now saying they have ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite a lot’ of confidence in organized religion, establishing another new low point in Gallup’s trend.” - Gallup


“According to a new poll from ABC News/Washington Post, 60% of Americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, the highest percentage since 1995.”


“The biggest change the polling found was an uptick by 11 percentage points for Americans who believe abortion should be legal ‘in all cases’ to 27%. The remaining supporters, 36%, believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, which has come down from 45% since 2010.” - Christian Headlines
