'Slaughter the Jews' scrawled in Arabic on Western Wall


“ ‘Slaughter the Jews’ was spray-painted in Arabic on a portion of the Kotel HaKatan, or ‘Little Wailing Wall,’ which is sacred to Jewish people as the second-closest place to where God’s presence manifested in the Temple.” - W. Examiner


Abortion Continues to Not Make Sense


“Mathewes-Green: Science. It gives undeniable proof that the fetus is a living human individual; that the fetal stage of human development is continuous with later stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, all the way to old age.” - National Review


Virtue and Vice in an Age of Addiction


“ ‘Accessibility, affordability, advertising, anonymity, and anomie, the five cylinders of the engine of mass addiction,’ writes David T. Courtwright in his new, one might say compulsively readable book about bad habits becoming big business, The Age of Addiction.” - The American Conservative


9 Things You Should Know About the Communion Service on the Moon


“This Saturday marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first people in history to walk on the Moon. But it’s also the anniversary of the a lesser known event—the first celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the Moon.” - TGC


Despite the celebs and the big money, Americans are trending pro-life


According to FollowTheMoney.org, “pro-choice abortion-policy organizations outspend pro-life ones, by anywhere from 20% to 900%, nearly every year, going back to 1990 … for example, in 2018, pro-life groups put a total of $4.8 million toward independent spending and campaign contributions at the state and federal level … pro-choice groups spent $50.7 million.” - Was
