Who do you think is the most important musician in human history?

On a social media site, I recently asked a question that elicited an interesting variety of responses:

Who do you think is the most important musician in human history?

What do you think?

Poll Results

Who do you think is the most important musician in human history?


“[E]merging and serious threats to religious freedom are also coming from the private sector”


“An obvious example is the workplace. I’ve talked for months now that Christians need a ‘theology of getting fired.’ You might be great at your job (and you should be as a Christian), but you might also face pressure to affirm and support your employer’s political agenda, one that has little to do with the company’s business model or strategic goals.” - Breakpoint


In new study: “There was no evidence of a single ‘gay gene.’”


“There was evidence of modest to weak correlation between a combination of genetic factors and those who had reported to have had a same-sex sexual experience. … it’s being assumed that having had a same-sex sexual experience is the same as having a particular sexual orientation….the same genetic combination also showed correlation for risky behavior.” - Breakpoint


Whenever a teen's choice “has to do with sex and gender increasingly parents are being left out in the cold”


“Elizabeth Warren has famously compared having an abortion with getting your tonsils out. It’s not a fair analogy at all. Minors always need parental consent for a tonsillectomy, but in many parts of the country, a teenage girl can notify school officials she’s pregnant and walk into an abortion clinic without her parents ever knowing.” - Breakpoint
