Congressional Committee: Your daughters should be required to register for the draft

“The committee, named the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, was established by Congress at the tail-end of President Obama’s second term…. ‘the time is right to extend Selective Service System registration to include men and women, between the ages of 18 and 26.’ The report goes on to explain that this step is not only “fair,” but “necessary.” Necessary according to what?” - CBMW


Just what we need to make our country stronger; young mothers being drafted to go off and fight in war. What a pathetic country we’ve become.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

… that if churches finally take a stand against women in combat, our daughters automatically obtain conscientious objector status. If, and only if, however.

Otherwise, let’s remember that people who don’t want to be in combat have great ways of avoiding that—marketable skills like nursing, mechanical work, electrical, etc.. That almost always will put the person in support roles unless the need is key.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

I’m old enough to remember that when the ERA was first being considered and voted on, one of the primary arguments used against it among people I knew was that it would lead to women being drafted, and in the 1970’s (when I also had to register for the selective service), the concept of the draft was much more at the forefront. However, such arguments were usually scoffed at as being improbable or even outrageous.

Dave Barnhart

Yes, Dave, I remember that as well. Usually such pronouncements are labeled ridiculous. (Or the fallacy of the slippery slope. Unfortunately, that slippery slope turns out to be truly slippery in too many cases.)

G. N. Barkman