What's the Cost of Digital Addictions?


“Dopamine is the brain’s natural feel-good chemical. It rewards us when we do enjoyable things: connect with friends, laugh at a joke, eat a taco. Today, that powerful reward cycle is being hijacked by digital technology.” - Breakpoint


Led by the Spirit – What Does it Mean?


B.B. Warfield once explained that many misunderstand the concept of being ‘led by the Spirit’ by suggesting that it is referring to ‘something sporadic, given only on occasion of some special need of supernatural direction.’” - C.Leaders


How should Christians think about Biden’s vaccine mandate?


“An implication of these principles is that when the government goes beyond its prescribed limits, it is acting unjustly and loses legitimacy. Applying the logic of sphere sovereignty to the vaccine mandate, the government does not have the authority to force us to inject a substance into our bodies that we do not consent to.” - C.Post


On “The Enticing Sin of Empathy”


“Ask yourself: Is too much empathy really the problem you see in your church? In your pastor? In your life? We should all examine where we are and seek to accentuate what is right while repenting of what is wrong.” - Ken Brown


Loving Our Neighbors and Walking with Them through Their Valleys


“…you do not have to evangelize people when you’re helping them. But you also should always be looking for opportunities. But nevertheless, you shouldn’t do it in a wooden way. You shouldn’t do it in a way that looks coercive. You should never do it in that way.” - Tim Keller


I ‘Just’ Do Ordinary Work


“Notice that in Matthew 25:34–37, the believers Jesus commends are surprised to hear of his pleasure in their ordinary work: “Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?’” - TGC


A Greek Class that Left Me in Awe of God as Father


“The professor was reading and translating aloud from the Greek. When he got to the last phrase in the verse, he started crying as he repeated ‘kai esmen’ several times…. The phrase is translated ‘and that is what we are’ ” - Eric Geiger


Peace (a poem)


“In my third sonnet on the Fruit of the Spirit, I reflect a little bit on how God brings peace to our relationships. Only by yielding to His work within us can our world ever have peace.” - Jake Bier
