The World Can Hurt You. When It Does, Love Anyway.


“If today’s followers of Christ fall on hard times, if we lose favor and become a persecuted or marginalized minority, it might actually mark the beginning of our truest impact. … it is not from a place of worldly or political power and privilege that God’s people have through the centuries found their firmest footing.” - Scott Sauls


Faith Baptist Bible College Is 100 Years Old Today


“From its early days in Omaha as Omaha Bible Institute to its transition to Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa, one thing has remained the same over the last 100 years: a commitment to training men and women for a lifetime of Christian service.” -


Biblical Joy in the Workplace


“This is the third article in a series about applying the fruit of the Spirit in our workplace….in this third installment we will examine how joy is the result of seeking the presence of God in our work.” - IFWE


Speaking Words That Build Up: A Dying Practice


“It’s a very straightforward and helpful exercise to take Paul’s words [1 Corinthians 13:4-6] and apply them to what we are about to speak or write….Is what I’m about to say/write kind? Is it arrogant or rude? Is it resentful? Is it patient?” - Tim McNight


Kindness (a poem)


“In this sonnet from my Fruit of the Spirit cycle, I reflect a little bit on the Aaronic blessing and how God’s kindness should move our hearts to compassion.” - Jake Bier


Maybe You Need to Be Fired from Your Job


“It was hard, but looking back after 30 years, it was one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. We finally stepped into our real calling, focused on what we knew we were supposed to be doing, and trusted God to help us chart a new path.” - Phil Cooke


Why the Church Has Such a Long History of Leading in Education


“Education doesn’t make sense in a worldview that is only about survival. … But with a worldview that says that the world itself came from a first cause that is intelligent, reasonable, knowable, and … wants to be known, there is solid grounding for actual knowledge, and therefore education.” - Breakpoint
