Peter and the Echo Chamber

Acts 10 is a bit of a puzzle, because God gives us a beautiful missionary story … and a missionary who isn’t very enthusiastic! Peter does not want to be at Cornelius’ home―he makes that clear in the rudest way possible. What’s the deal? We can begin to understand if we begin a little closer to home, in a galaxy not so far away, where we have a similar problem but a different date.


Friendship: The Foundation of Paul’s Global Ministry


“Consider how often Paul says something like: ‘I thank my God always when I remember you, because I hear of your love for all the saints’ …. in nearly every letter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, he devotes space to greeting specific believers” - 9 Marks


Are Conservative Christians at War With the Left? (Part 2)

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (ESV, 1 Tim 6:12)

The Bible frequently describes Christian living as a war. It also calls us to “stand” under attack (Eph 6:10-19). But does it call us to defend our liberties, oppose cultural change, or save our nation from decline?


Why Your Employer Can Deny Your ‘Religious’ Vaccine Exemption


“the long-term consequences for religious liberty are what I’m most worried about: that so many of these exemption requests seem mislabeled or disingenuous will invite courts—and the public—to place a tourniquet on religious exemptions generally” - TGC


DBTS has launched a new podcast, Theologically Driven


“In this podcast we will be discussing issues of theology, biblical studies, preaching, church life, biblical counseling, and other areas in order to help church leaders and students of God’s Word continue to grow in their understanding and application of God’s truth.” - DBTS
