Why Do We Need Apologetics?


“We might feel that apologetics is best left to the experts. But Peter is clear that every Christian must be “prepared to make a defense” of the faith (1 Peter 3:15).” - Ref21


Integrity Matters, Part 2: Case Study


“What would you do for recognition? What would you do to have fellow believers think well of you? If you’d do something God forbids, then you’ve made yourself into an idol that you worship. Can you think of anything more ridiculous?” - Olinger


Intelligent Design without God?


“Writing in Scientific American this month, former Harvard astronomy chair Avi Loeb proposed that our universe may have been created by an intelligent designer… just not God.” - Breakpoint


Should we refer to people by their preferred pronouns?

So maybe this seems to be a no-brainer to you, but I am trying to think this through. When I meet a Catholic priest, I may address him as “father,” even though he is not my spiritual father. By doing so, I am not acknowledging his superiority to me, as, perhaps, a Catholic might.


How to Prepare for the Metaverse


“even as the pace of technological change has felt dizzying and exhausting for churches in recent years, we’ve only seen the tip of the digital iceberg. The real change, which will truly transform our mental, spiritual, and ecclesial landscapes, is coming soon: the metaverse.” - TGC


8 Reasons We Have Delayed (Even Further) Getting Our Daughters Phones


“We talk together about the upsides and downsides of constant connectivity, increased technology, and the tool of social media — hoping to include them in the decision. By God’s grace, they both recognize that there are some inherent downsides to growing up on a phone.” - Geiger


Proclaiming the Truth in Sodom

Jay Lickey

Of all my days of being in and around churches, I have heard some church names that caught my attention. The Halfway Baptist church always made me chuckle when I drove past it in college. I have heard of a few Corinthian Baptist churches which made me wonder what kind of problems they were dealing with. I have even heard of a Laodicea Baptist church. But in all my days I have never heard of a Sodom church. No one is surprised by this. But it does get you thinking, doesn’t it? What would a church do in a modern-day Sodom?


Do you sense you are less motivated (or less ambitious) since the Pandemic?

For many, the Pandemic quarantine provided a break from the routine, a slowdown (but not for all). In the secular world, more people are retiring early since the Pandemic, and, although the worker shortage was perhaps brewing before the pandemic, the quarantine intensified it. More people are concerned about smelling the roses and less concerned about making a name for themselves.
