There are no 'opposing views' of the Holocaust


“Last week, the executive director of curriculum and instruction in the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, told teachers that a new state law required them to present multiple perspectives about ‘widely debated and currently controversial’ issues. This means that they needed to make “opposing” views on the Holocaust available to students.” - RNS


Gratitude Is Good for You…


“…if we are to be grateful (and we are), to whom should we be grateful, exactly? Karlamangla never specifies…. Maybe thanking no one in particular isn’t really gratitude.” - Breakpoint


Change, Part 2: Sovereign, Attentive, and Good


“I’ve proposed using the Old Testament account of Joshua’s succession of Moses as a pattern for us as we face a rapidly and significantly changing world. I suppose I should justify that.” - Olinger


Teens and Technology


“First, we sought to gain the heart of our kids. If you are not seeking to gain the heart of your child when they are pre-teens, it will be more difficult to do during their teenage years….” - Taigen Joos (HT: P&D)


The Facebook Expose: Four Things Parents Need to Know


“Facebook’s own research confirms what many academic researchers had been saying for years—that for some people, especially teen girls, social media can harm mental health, and that the rise in depression and self-harm among teens since 2010 might be caused by the increasing popularity of social media” - IFS


Victory Through Suffering: The True Meaning of Philippians 4:13


“After John 3:16, Philippians 4:13 is one of the most-searched verses in the Bible, and is often linked with athletes seeking to inspire victory and strength. But this common application unfortunately misses its real power.” -TGC


Answer a Fool According to His Folly, or Answer Not?


“I want to talk through a super common issue on the internet. I invite your wisdom and input; I also invite your prayer. Because I want and need—desperately need—divine wisdom for whether and how to answer all kinds of internet comments from all kinds of strangers with all kinds of perspectives.” - Mark Ward
