Think About Such Things: Whatever Is Lovely


“Every year in the garden I witness life and death—and life again. And every season I watch God work in the mundane and the minuscule; my small garden whispers how wonderful he must be in the grand and glorious.” - TGC


A Fascinating New Way to Read through the Bible


“This year, we’re fascinated by a new entry in the read-through-the-Bible category, The NLT Daily Readers Bible… We think you, even as a longtime Bible reader, will find this new Bible to be a rich and valuable new reading experience.” - Jim Jewell


How It Ends... Living in the Now—Patient Endurance


“It’s those with long experience who are in a position to “keep calm and carry on”—to focus on executing the fundamentals when it looks like the other team is just going to run up the score. To be the tortoise rather than the hare.” - Olinger


Your ‘Fur Babies’ Aren’t Children


“Let’s face it, both marriage and child-rearing are difficult and often arduous tasks that requires more than many are willing to give in today’s hyper-individualistic world.” - Grayson Gilbert


How Should We Think Biblically About End-of-Life Care?


“In this episode of TGC Q&A, the fifth in our six-week series on faith and work, Bill Davis answers the question, ‘How should we think biblically about end-of-life care?’” - TGC


Always for All Things

By Rev. C. H. Spurgeon

Sermon No. 1094, delivered on Lord’s-Day morning, February 2, 1873, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20.
