Are Conservative Christians at War With the Left? (Part 1)

By all indications, conservative Christians have strife and conflict on their minds these days. But do we understand what sort of war we’re in, who the enemy is, and how we’re supposed to fight?

I’d love to do some man-on-the street interviews at a conservative evangelical event and ask, “Who or what are Christians at war with?” Answers would probably include “the world,” and “the devil.” Someone might quip, “one another!”

I suspect many would say “the Left,” and many who said “the world” would have the Left in mind.


Leaders: Be More Careful Sending Emails!


“Chances are, your emails never go away. If you use Gmail for instance, Google has stated that they still keep the emails you delete. With other email apps or servers I don’t know, but if I was you, I would think about email as something that lives out there beyond my ‘delete’ button.” - Cooke
