The Joy Thief Known as Busyness


“There may be a great quantity of work in your life, but if the quality is compromised then the impact of the work is limited, counterproductive, and potentially self-destructive.” - IFWE


Fathers, love your family through family fun and worship


“One encouragement I have found as a father — beyond the bedrock truth that God is sovereign and that He loves and cares for my children better than me, and sometimes in spite of me — is the scriptural truism, ‘love covers a multitude of sins’ (1 Pet 4:8).


How Many Christmas Presents Should Christian Parents Buy Their Children?


“I knew that my friends were receiving things like televisions, Nintendo games, new bicycles, basketball goals with break-away rims, and the latest Nike Jordan shoes. And I didn’t mind. In fact, I was thankful. My mom’s spirit and hard work caused me to realize that her love was a greater gift than the new Nikes I wanted.” - John Ellis


The Contradiction of the Negligent ‘Helicopter Parent’


“The flip side of ‘helicopter parenting’ is the almost shocking level of neglect those same parents occasionally show their kids. These parents can be extremely overbearing in certain areas, often insignificant ones. At the same time, they are indifferent towards other, more important parts of their children’s upbringing.” - Intellectual Takeout


Why We Need to Take Education Back to Past Practices


“… our public schools and universities cannot be places where virtue is taught, primarily because we as a society can hardly agree on the meaning of the word. Most of our schools no longer recognize character formation as ‘being the ultimate end of all instruction.’” - Intellectual Takeout


Thanksgiving Quantified

By Eric Davis. Reposted from The Cripplegate.

That beloved American holiday is upon us. It’s almost Thanksgiving. The day before Thanksgiving is considered the busiest travel day of the year for Americans as we herd ourselves around friends and family. So, whether you’re catching a connecting flight, waiting for TSA, sitting in a traffic jam, or on your way to grandma’s, here are a few brief thoughts to prime the pump for a day of giving thanks.
