PayPal Just Made Filming Porn a Little More Difficult


“Late Wednesday night, PayPal made filming pornography just a little more difficult by announcing it will no longer accept payments for Pornhub, one of the most-visited websites on the internet.” - Faithwire


Finding Freedom from a Toxic Attack at Work


“Don’t let misplaced guilt (that you should be able to “rescue” or “save” them) keep you in a toxic situation. In the Gospels, Jesus walked away many times from those who challenged him or hardened their hearts against him.


Lessons in Faithfulness from My Favorite Veteran, My Father


“As I think back, the one great lesson I learned from my father is that regardless of the work that God has called each of us to do, we must all put our hands on the plow, and not look back at our mistakes and shortcomings. Instead, we should look forward, ‘fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith’ ” - IFWE


Should Christians Play the Lottery?


“Even after becoming a Believer, for years I defended the Christian liberty of others to gamble, including playing the lottery….I do not believe that playing the lottery is a matter of Christian liberty.” - John Ellis


My ‘Mom Rage’ Is Understandable. But It’s Not Excusable.


“Though it’s largely assumed that mothers have natural, self-giving love for their children (and we do), being a mom does not preclude real, powerful darkness from growing in our hearts. …’Mother rage can change you, providing access to parts of yourself you didn’t even know you had.’” - Christianity Today


Died: Phillip E. Johnson, Lawyer who Put Darwin on Trial


“Johnson’s landmark book, Darwin on Trial, argued that Darwinian evolution didn’t have real evidence or good arguments, but was instead ‘another kind of fundamentalism.’ … Darwin on Trial galvanized a group of Christians who opposed the theory of evolution, but also wanted to distance themselves from Bible-based creationism, which could not be taught in public schools.” -


The Gospel According to Essential Oils


“We have added to the gospel through smells and scents, and promised those we lead that joy is found in something you apply to your skin and not something that happens to your heart.
