Should Followers of Christ Use Recreational Marijuana?


“The Bible is silent on the subject of marijuana (but not intoxication). It is not the fruit from the tree of the garden in Eden, and it would be clever but mistaken to see a veiled reference in John 6:10: ‘Now there was much grass in the place.’” - TGC


An old debate over religion in school is opening up again


“A major catalyst for division was the decision of the Cincinnati School Board in 1869 to end Scripture reading in classrooms. Having long objected to Bible study in the city’s schools, Catholics had established their own system of parochial schools.” - The Conversation


Should We Trade in Funerals for “Celebrations of Life”?


“I’ve nothing against celebrating the life of a servant of the Lord Jesus. We ought to honor faithful followers of Jesus for finishing their race. We ought to challenge those in attendance to “let [their] manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” And yet I wonder: does this desire to celebrate life grow out of a stronger desire to avoid death?” - Jason Allen


Barna: Most millennials, Gen Z don’t view marriage, family formation as life goals


“While family-oriented goals may climb higher on the list of priorities as these respondents move further into adulthood, nearly four in 10 young adults also aim to follow their dreams (38%) and about one in three wants to start a business (36%), travel to other countries (32%) or become financially independent from their parents (30%),” the Barna report noted.


If You Won the Lottery, Would You Be at Work Tomorrow?


“Many Christians have bought into the pagan notion that leisure is good and work is bad. They have also been misled by the sacred/secular distinction, which teaches that working in the church is the only ‘real’ full-time Christian service.” - IFWE


The Proverbial Fool and the Importance of Avoiding Him

Scripture is clear—Proverbs in particular—that there are such things as fools and these individuals are nothing but trouble. We shouldn’t be in their company more than necessary—much less, put important responsibilities in their hands.
