Trust the Bible Above Your Experience

By Jordan Standridge. Reposted from The Cripplegate.

We’ve all had incredible experiences.

Whether it is catching a big fish, or winning a big game, or, more seriously, witnessing the birth of your child or thinking back to your wedding day.


Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (James Hamilton)


“In this episode, Jim Hamilton, author of Work and Our Labor in the Lord, discusses what to do when you hate your job. He offers encouragement for those frustrated in their work, reflects on God’s original intention for work at creation, and explains the difference between a job and a vocation.” - Crossway


A compendium of annual Bible reading plans


“Here is the annual set of Bible reading schedules that you have become accustomed to seeing here. The dates are adjusted on these to match the beginning of the weeks for 2020. This year, the schedules start on 1/5 at the beginning of the first full week of the year. This way, you have a few days to catch up on last year’s reading, or get ahead on this year’s reading.” - Matt Postiff


Are We Meant to Enjoy Our Work?


“The references to the prosperity of Jerusalem and children and grandchildren in Psalm 128:5–6 hint that what has resulted in this individual blessed man experiencing the joys of Psalm 128 has spread to the wider culture. Jerusalem prospers because its men fear God, obey his Word, and work with their hands for the benefit of their wives and children.” - Servants of Grace


The End of Time

There’s a little book in our church book store called “Time and the End of Time.” The cover and the title have attracted my interest, and several times I’ve picked it up to take a look at it. It was written by John Fox in 1676—not to be confused by the John Foxe of Foxe’s The Book of Martyrs.


Parents, don't cave to the online anti-vaccine mob


“Your choice not to vaccinate your child against measles, chickenpox, or any other vaccine-preventable illness could lead to hospitalization or even death for a baby too young for inoculations or someone whose immune system is too compromised to be vaccinated themselves.” - W. Examiner
