Should We Be Praying That God Would Resurrect Olive?


“In the wake of the recent and tragic passing of Olive Alayne Heiligenthal, the two-year-old daughter of Bethel worship leader Kalley Heiligenthal, Christians worldwide have been praying that Jesus would resurrect the little girl. At the same time, the situation has raised concerns about how believers should pray for miracles and how church leaders should encourage people to do so.” - Church Leaders


Sorrow, Depression, & the Holidays

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

Depression and discouragement are not respecters of the holidays. For many reasons, the normal sorrow of life can reach a highpoint this time of year for some.


How the 2010s Gave Us Unlimited Choices, but Little Meaning


“The 21st century has given us great abundance and almost unlimited choices but a minimum of meaning. Again, Sacks writes: ‘Science tells us how but not why. Technology gives us power but cannot guide us as to how to use that power.’” - IFWE


The Countercultural Idea of a Christian University


“No educational program is neutral; each emerges from a vision of reality. Any university that is serious about its Christian mission must recognize that today it confronts an educational establishment that operates with a vision that is incompatible with the most basic philosophical commitments of a Christian institution.


Should atheists “lie” to their children because they need religion to avoid despair?


“I would argue that the secularization that the psychoanalyst and I would together lament is driven by just this sort of cultural means-to-an-end religion. If a generation believes that religion is just a substitute for something else—political power, national identity, social control, or even just shortcut parenting—they will not just abandon it, but resent it too.” - Russell Moore


More Americans are dying at home. Notice the change pastor?


“Things have changed over the decades and I read that more Americans are dying at home than in the hospital, according to a recent study. The figures are 30.7% at home, 29.8% at a hospital, around 20% at a nursing home or other institution.” - SBC Voices


Students’ Test Scores Unchanged After Decades of Federal Intervention in Education


“Over those past two decades, while federal policymakers were busy enacting new federal laws, creating mandates for local school leaders, and increasing the Department of Education’s budget from $38 billion in 2000 (unadjusted for inflation) to roughly $70 billion today, the math and reading performance of American high school students remained completely flat.” -
