National Adoption Month spotlights ongoing needs


“Virtual meetings and other online options are more accessible than ever before thanks to the pandemic. And they may help a hesitant family take that first – and sometimes most difficult – step in the process” - BPNews


Research Shows Benefits of a Classical Christian Education


“The University of Notre Dame sociology department was commissioned by the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) to do research on their effectiveness. Notre Dame researchers, incorporating data from the larger Cardus Educational Survey, studied thousands of alumni aged 24-42.” - Veith


Disturbing but Worth It: Getting Outside Our Bubble

In seminary we were encouraged—well, required—to read outside our own theological perspective. A few students recoiled a bit. They had been living in a bubble, and those outside it had been mostly ignored, sometimes caricatured, but never directly listened to with the goal of accurate understanding.

Most students relished the wider reading. They’d already learned that curiosity, personal connection, and questioning assumptions can result in life-changing bursts of discovery and personal growth.


John Piper’s Liberty Convocation Pulled After Election Post


“Two videos of a discussion with Piper and Southern Baptist Convention president J. D. Greear were removed from Liberty’s social media and its convocation page at the direction of interim president Jerry Prevo.


“...we simply don’t know who we truly are until we’re tested.”


“If I had to summarize the last four years in a single phrase, it would be simple—it’s been a time of testing. This time of testing has broken us and divided us. It’s divided us between those who are honest and those who lie, the cruel and the kind, the principled and the hypocrites, between the courageous and the cowardly…. this is not a matter of left and right—or of Trump and anti-Trump.” - David French
