Evolution Doesn’t Work the Way They Think


“A recent article titled ‘Evolution Doesn’t Work the Way You Think It Does’ attempted to explain the concepts of evolution, natural selection, and fitness to help readers better understand what evolution is all about. But was the author really describing evolution?” - Ken Ham


Future Now: Leading with Humility


“Christians should be engaged [in other social issues] just like we’ve been in the pro-life movement, but we need to know more. We need a posture of learning and humility, perhaps in a way we never had in our lifetimes.” - Stetzer


Ann Griffiths and Her Sea of Wonders


“The word ‘wonder’ appears, in various forms, numerous times in Ann’s writings. Her joy came in knowing that the sea of wonders where she intended to spend her life would continue beyond this earthly state, ‘with never a sight of a boundary or shore.’” - Ref21


SBC seminary presidents reaffirm 'Baptist Faith and Message.' declare critical race theory incompatible


“In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention has reaffirmed ‘with eagerness’ the BFM’s status ‘as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention.’” -


How Liberal Arts Colleges Could Save Civilization


“The same love of darkness which will tear down statues, regardless of who they depict, will sacrifice the liberal arts core of education in the name of relevance. The culture wars are not really about right versus left; they are about memory versus oblivion.” - TAC


Five things I'm learning about God while working at a gas station


“When I began my studies at Denver Seminary in 2014, I never imagined working at a gas station after graduation. There is nothing wrong with such work, it’s just that my focus was on serving the local church, and I couldn’t see past that vision. I was certain God had called me to plant a church.” - D. Seabaugh


ERLC: What you should know about the COVID-19 RNA vaccines


RNA vaccines have significant advantages over some other vaccines. They are not infectious, meaning there is no chance the vaccine will give you the disease it is immunizing you against.
