Barna: Nearly All U.S. Couples Believe It Is Possible to Have a Career, Raise a Healthy Family and Stay in Love


“…the majority of American working couples (95%) believe they can maintain their individual careers and still come together to raise a healthy family, all while staying in love. While a slight difference is found when look specifically at faith segments, over nine in 10 practicing Christians (97%) and non-Christians (94%) agree this can be done.” - Barna


Steady as the Seasons Change


“In an unsteady world, the seasons can bring ballast. God’s creation is like that. It’s a steadying, sublime resource for sanity in an insane world—if we can only turn off our devices long enough to avail ourselves of its gifts.” - TGC


Discovering a World of Surplus Beauty


“I took with me the experience of having stood together with God, of having joined with him to admire the kind of beauty meant to delight the heart of a boy and to delight the heart of God himself.” - Challies


Creators of CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool win Nobel Prize


“Doctors administered a CRISPR cancer treatment in November and have used the method against sickle cell disease, HIV, and inherited forms of blindness. But the technology has sparked controversy, too.


Friends, If I Unfriend You, Here’s Why


“…please (especially to my Christian friends, I beg of you) please stop • mocking • denigrating • demonizing • and dehumanizing people who hold opposing positions. They are image-bearers of God. And they are as deeply loved by their creator as you are.” - C.Leaders


What Makes a Vote Moral or Immoral? The Ethics of Voting


“Does the character of a candidate matter to the ethical significance of a vote? Yes, and it does by the same chain of moral causation described above, only now culpability transfers not through issues like a, b, c, d, and e, but through the person him or herself.


Liberty Disputes Reports About Falwell Severance Payment


Statement: “By his pre-existing contract, Mr. Falwell is entitled to two years’ base salary as severance…. Additional compensation that Mr. Falwell receives under his agreement following his resignation are only accrued retirement benefits.
