A Word of Hope for the Exhausted


“For many of us, 2020 has proven a tiring year. And when we’re exhausted, the last thing we want to do is open our eyes.” - TGC


Study: 88% of colleges, universities restrict free speech in some form, but there is evidence of improvement


“[Foundation for Individual Rights in Education’s] 2021 Spotlight on Speech Codes looked at the free speech policies of 478 colleges and universities, 372 public institutions and 106 private colleges and universities…..the lead author of the report, explained that while the numbers in the report may seem disheartening, the situation regarding free speech on campus has improved overall.” -


The DNA of a Diotrephes, Part 2

Read Part 1.

5. Those with the DNA of Diotrephes are a divisive presence in the Body of Christ.

Since Diotrephes always had to be first, the interest of unity in Christ took a back seat to his desire for preeminence. Mark it down, when our agenda usurps the greater good of the Body of Christ, we inevitably end up causing great harm to the unity of God’s people.


John Piper: Should Christians Cremate Their Loved Ones?


“There has been a skyrocketing preference for cremation over the past decades in the United States …. There are various causes, but the greatest, by far, is the combination of secularization and economics. Fewer people test the practice with biblical criteria, and more people want the cheapest solution.


On 2 Corinthians 1:8 – “We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength.”


“When we’re overwhelmed––perhaps by many changes, or by one major change with seismic effects––Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1:8 will resonate with us: ‘We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength.’ What an apt description of a full load and a heavy heart: utterly burdened.” - TGC


The Bible’s Super-Short & Always Useful Prayers


“ ‘Come, Lord Jesus’ (Revelation 22:20). I’ve heard my daughter say this–actually, I realize now, pray this–many times in this trouble-filled year of 2020.” - Veith


The DNA of a Diotrephes, Part 1

Growing up, I never knew my biological father and was totally clueless about my paternal bloodline. Scientists can match with 99 percent accuracy a person’s DNA with others with the same genetic ancestry. So, for roughly $90, I mailed my saliva to a DNA testing place. I learned I am 40 percent British and 33 percent Irish, with the rest being mostly eastern European. It was amazing to find out who I really am, at least from a physical and historical standpoint.
