Redemption, not retreat: Betsy DeVos’ vision for redeeming U.S. education


“In an address of sweeping historical breadth that quoted everyone from T.S. Eliot and Ronald Reagan to Russell Kirk, Secretary DeVos corrected two widespread misconceptions about U.S. education. First, she exposed the dichotomy between government-run education and family empowerment through choice.


People Are Being Discipled by Their Cable News


“I may have been unsure at first, but I am glad that I could use the word ‘disciple’ in that context. Discipleship highlights a fundamental issue for followers of Jesus right now: there are certain things that are in us and need to be discipled out of us and other things that need to be discipled in us and aren’t there currently.” - Ed Stetzer


11 Ways I Am Reducing the Downside of Using Social Media


“4. Read more books. In her book iGen, Jean Twenge shows research that reading of books and long-form articles is dropping significantly ….Jennifer Lyell used to say something like, ‘we need weighty content that is developed and designed for more than consumption at a stop light.’” - C.Leaders


Amy Coney Barrett’s Message: The Maternal Hero Is a Myth


“If Barrett’s nomination succeeds, she’ll become the first woman on the Court who’s a mother to school-age children….What myths do we perpetuate by assuming that Barrett (and women like her) are doing it all and doing it all by themselves?” - C.Today


Responding to Ongoing Trials

Reposted from Rooted Thinking. By Forrest McPhail.

The Struggle Is Real

Today is one of my “dark days.” Pain has been relentless for a couple of days, restricting my life and ministry. What I do on such days requires much mental discipline.
