How to Lead and How to Follow


“This Golden Rule can and should be applied to every area of life. It should impact relationships with friends and enemies, colleagues and neighbors, family members and strangers…. but also applies to our hierarchical relationships—those that involve leading and following.” - Challies


A Suggestion About How to Pray

Many Christians struggle to pray. How do you pray without it turning into a laundry list of needs? There are all sorts of good models out there. I’d like to recommend one that’s easy, and probably more helpful than anything you’ll ever do. If you follow it, you’ll never run out of things to pray, and the Holy Spirit will help you grow.


Falwell sues Liberty, saying school damaged his reputation


” Jerry Falwell Jr. has sued Liberty University, alleging the school founded by his late pastor father damaged his reputation in a series of public statements that followed his resignation as president and chancellor in August amid a series of scandals.” - BPNews


“The biblical lifestyle is one of serving, caring for those we find repulsive or those who mash all our buttons. It’s not about winning.”


“You’re not living out love because your life will be better if you do. You’re living out love because life will be better for everybody else if you do. Does this principle have implications for how we live during an election season? during a pandemic? during a period of racial strife? You bet it does. - Dan Olinger


3 Reasons Sunday Is Not the Christian Sabbath


“This is a complex debate largely because it requires thinking about the relationship between all of the biblical covenants across the entire canon.” - TGC


Have Yourself a Hallowed Halloween


“While Halloween has largely been overtaken by inflatable witches and gory masks, the holiday’s roots in Christian belief and practice offer easy opportunities to engage my children in conversations about death and grief and Christian hope.” - TGC


How the Gossip Machine Turns Desire into Sin


“What is the most frightening verse in the Bible?… for me, the scariest part of Scripture is Jesus’s words in Matthew 12:36: ‘I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.’” - TGC
