Overcoming Paralysing Fear – with Fear!


“All these circumstances are fear-filled. That’s because we live in a fallen and broken world – a sin-stained world not as it should be. Our fearful response is what the Puritan John Flavel called ‘natural fear,’ an emotion even our Savior felt as He anticipated the horrors of the cross before Him.” - Christina Fox


Love God and Health-Care Workers by Taking COVID-19 Seriously


“If hospitals are already suffering under the strain, what do you think is going to happen in a couple of weeks when the record-breaking number of cases from last week (and, undoubtedly, the coming weeks) begins to translate into patients needing hospitalization?” - J. Ellis


Technology Promises Connection, but Gen Z Sees a Paradox


“…while teens appreciate the connection and information that tech provides them, they also worry that their devices are cutting both ways: harming their ability to connect to others and making them even more bored than they were before they picked up their device.” - Barna


Redefining Business Leadership as “Stewardship”


“Lives are changed when we see ourselves as stewards committed to a greater purpose than self, a greater cause than self. It all changes when our worldview and mindset commit it all to a greater purpose and something eternal.” - TIFWE


Uh-Oh, Scientists Used Human Genes to Make Monkey Brains Bigger


“The scientists call these human-monkey hybrids ‘transgenic non-human primates,’…. the researchers limited their study to monkey fetuses, which were taken out by C-section after growing for 100 days.


Do You Desire Truth More Than Victory?


“In this election, most conservative Christians supported the policies of President Trump, especially as against those Joe Biden espouses. Most conservative Christians greatly desired the success of the Trump campaign. Those desires now drive a desperate search for any way to make the Trump campaign succeed.


If God Did It, It Must Be Good. Right?


“If Nick’s death was not a lapse in God’s sovereignty, it was also not a lapse in his goodness. If there was no moment in which God stopped being sovereign there is no moment in which he stopped being good—good toward us, good toward Nick, good according to his perfect wisdom. God can’t not be good.” - Challies


Decentering Marriage


“The amount of divorce and heartbreak and sexual confusion and even suicide in the lives of these individuals who have apparently attempted to prioritize friendship over marriage raises a question about causation: does prioritizing friendship over marriage actually doom healthy marriages? The cases presented in this article would seem to suggest so.” - CBMW
