On Splitting Covenants


“Christians are not under ‘the law,’ nor are they under ‘part of the law.’ This is no major loss, for we have the Law of Christ as our directive, a law operational on the basis of grace and the indwelling ministry of the Spirit. As far as splitting the New Covenant, the New Covenant is specifically directed to Israel, not the church.” - Matt Postiff


A Covenant in the Garden?


“Consider two points drawn from Strong’s treatment of the matter. First, Strong points out that though the word covenant does not appear in Genesis 2, the necessary elements of a covenant are clearly there. These necessary elements are the ideas of stipulation and reward.” - Ref21


Another Unconvincing Case for Egalitarianism


“While for Bartlett each side makes important contributions to our understanding of the Bible’s teaching on women and men, and ‘each side needs to move beyond the confines of the existing debate and closer to each other’…. Bartlett clearly argues for an egalitarian position.” - TGC
