3 Models of Heaven in the Early Church

Lately, I have been reading a book called A History of Heaven by Colleen McDannell and Bernhard Lang. I am fascinated with their 22-page chapter, “Irenaeus and Augustine on our Heavenly Bodies.”


Crushing Rahab: Does the Old Testament Borrow from Myth?


“If Ancient Near Eastern mythology controls our interpretation, we’ll conclude that biblical authors conceived of Yahweh defeating a mythological monster known as Rahab to overcome chaos and create the world.” - TGC


Review: Bavinck’s Theological Epistemology


“Sutanto’s highly organized work is presented in seven chapters with one to four sections each. Chapter 1, Re-reading Bavinck’s theological epistemology opens with a call to re-frame the scholarly literature according to Bavinck’s organic motif. This motif is more than an ‘organizing devise,’ says Sutanto” - Joel Heflin


Brief Review of a Paper on Presuppositionalism


“These two claims do not match what I understand of Van Til’s apologetic. (I was schooled in this approach and adopted it for myself some years ago, so I am somewhat of an ‘insider.’)” - Matt Postiff


My Take on the New Covenant (Part 10): In Summary

Read the series.

In this final part I want to gather things together and summarize what has gone before. In the latter half of the full piece I interact with some other views. I shall not concern myself with running over that ground here. I shall only outline the major pillars of my position on the New Covenant:


Modalism Redux? The Idea of “Person” in Classical Trinitarianism

The doctrine of the Trinity tells us there is “One Being, three Persons.” Of course, it’s more complicated than all that, but we’ll leave it there! In this definition, what is a “person?” That’s a hard question. Two main views are common today; the classical model and the social model. The Church has traditionally held to the classical view. However, if you ask the right questions, you’ll likely find most Christians actually believe in the social model.
