The Reformation at 500: The Papal Bull (Part 1)

In September of 2017, my wife Lynnette and I were privileged to visit the land of Germany and tour the sites of the Reformation in celebration of its 500th anniversary.

The trip was memorable—even life-changing—for a number of reasons.

First of all, the trip was given to us by our friends at Grace Bible Church, in Portage, Wis., where I had served as interim pastor for nearly two years. Suffice it to say that we will never forget all that that congregation did for us.


CBMW Announces Spring Issue of Eikon: A Journal for Biblical Anthropology


“You are not going to want to miss Craig Carter on the philosophical underpinnings of transgenderism, Brad Littlejohn on natural theology and the sexes, Nathan Tarr on abortion and the early church, or Wayne Grudem on why he changed his mind over the grounds for divorce” Eikon is available free in PDF form. - CBMW


Tim Miller reviews Thomas Kidd's “Who Is an Evangelical?”


“Kidd has shown that the term evangelical has lost much of its doctrinal meaning….And though he does not make this explicit, I think he has shown that the movement has done its best when it has focused on doing what it has been called to do (evangelize, emphasize personal lives of holiness) rather than when it has sought political power.” - Tim Miller


Luther Meets Cardinal Cajetan

This article originally ran in October 2017.

After Luther published his 95 theses, inviting debate on the abuse of indulgences, things began to move rapidly in Wittenberg. Phillip Schaff, the grand church historian, sums up the course of events during the following year:1


A review of Le Peau’s “Write Better”


“[I] rate William Zinnser’s On Writing Well as the one all others are measured against. And while I continue to recommend it as often as possible, Le Peau’s book offers several strengths that wonderfully complement and even supplement Zinnser’s.” - Challies


Does Job Contradict James 3:7?


“But is this passage even stating that every single kind of animal has been tamed? Does ‘every kind’ of animal, or ‘every nature’ of animal, mean that every post-flood species has been tamed? Not at all!” - AiG


“...when the Jesuit Order was founded and then employed to stop the Protestant movement, it was the doctrine of the Assurance of Salvation that was their primary target.”


“The uniform teaching of Scripture is that ordinary Christians, should be able to make their ‘call and election sure,’ (2 Pet. 1:10), and that not by some ‘extraordinary revelation,’ such as Rome taught, but merely by looking for the unmistakable and certain evidences of the work of the Spirit in their lives.” - Ref21
