2 Samuel 13 and Justice for Rape Victims

Second Samuel 13 reveals the horrible and tragic account of Amnon’s raping his half-sister Tamar and of what happened in their lives as a result of what he did to her.

1. According to Scripture, what was the just punishment that Amnon should have received for his raping her? Did he receive that punishment?

2. According to Scripture, what comprised the just handling of this matter for Tamar, given that she was completely innocent and not responsible for what happened to her?


The Reformation at 500: The Papal Bull (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

“Since God has given us the papacy,” Pope Leo X stated dramatically, “let us enjoy it.”

There was one man standing in the way of such enjoyment, however. Leo had little regard for the priest in Wittenberg, Dr. Martin Luther, who he referred to as “a drunken German.”

“He will feel different when he is sober,” concluded the pope.

His ability to underestimate Luther could not have been more profound.


Mind the Story: A Bible Reading Lesson from Ron Horton


“In Alive to the Purpose: The Readerly Reading of Scripture (Greenville, SC: JourneyForth, 2020), the late literary scholar and Bob Jones University professor Ronald A. Horton seeks to correct unbalanced Bible study. There are multiple legitimate ways to study, but neither special study nor perfunctory reading should keep us from seeing Scripture for what it is.


Who Is Melchizedek?


“Melchizedek, the king-priest of Salem, is foundational for understanding how Jesus occupies the offices of king and priest—a dual honor that finds little to no precedent among Israelite kings.” - TGC
