The Covenantal Landscape of the Old Testament, Parts 4 & 5

This is the final installment of the excerpts from my book The Words of the Covenant: Old Testament Expectation, which I hope to get published by the end of 2020. I would be grateful for those readers of this blog who have derived some benefit from these posts if you would please pray for God’s blessing on the publication and reading of the book.

(The prophetic picture, broken down into basic categories, continued.)


What Does 1 Corinthians 2:14 Teach about What Unbelievers Cannot Know?

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

What does this verse teach about what things unbelievers cannot know?


Sanctification: Different From Justification


“The saint is justified the moment they trust in Christ; God works immediately and fully. The saint progresses in sanctification through a lifetime of walking as the Lord continues to work. But all of it from start to finish is a work of God grounded in Christ and carried out through the Holy Spirit.” - Tim Bertolet


No, Science Can’t Provide Morals: Why the New View (Still) Falls Short


“…in addition to the traditional areas of scientific inquiry and expertise, such as chemistry, physics, and medicine, many now even look to science for guidance on moral questions—and many scientists and science boosters are eager to claim they can provide it.” - TGC


The Angel of the Bottomless Pit: Challenging Our Comfortable Worldview

There are some Bible passages that pose peculiar challenges to interpreters. These passages confront us with revelations of weirdness. We are faced with accepting and exploring this weird side of Scripture, or else with smoothing it over, perhaps by not actually dealing with it, but instead just pretending it is obscure, and on that basis, moving on. Episodes that qualify to be on the list of weird passages would include Genesis 6:1-4 and Joshua 10:11-14, but many could be added.


How many classes of *living* beings exist that produce music?

We all know that humans produce music. Including humans, how many classes of living beings exist that produce music?

If you are willing to do so, please specify in the comments what those classes are and why you believe that number is the correct number.

Poll Results

How many classes of *living* beings exist that produce music?

One Votes: 0
Two Votes: 0
Three Votes: 0
Four Votes: 1
More than four Votes: 0
