Have We Forgotten the Curse?

Cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. (Genesis 3:17b-18, ESV)

Whether we think about a fatal car accident, a struggle with sexual identity, a major handicap, or a host of natural disasters, this world is filled with hardships, injustices, and burdens.


Do You Agree With John MacArthur's Stance about government restrictions on gatherings due to COVID?

John MacArthur surprises me, and, frankly, I was disappointed about his stance about submitting to governing authority. What is your view?

Plenty of room for discussion, I am sure!

You can read an evaluation by Tyler R here on SI: https://sharperiron.org/article/bad-argument-from-good-man

Julie Roy has an article here: https://julieroys.com/macarthur-defies-restrictions-on-worship/


White Fragility and the Bible’s Big Story


“In this follow-up article I want to turn to the Bible to suggest how it might help us understand issues of race and racism, for it also contains a narrative structure…. What I would like to do is compare and contrast the content of [DiAngelo’s White Fragility] story with the Bible’s.” - Challies


The “Goodness” of Unbelievers


“Although Paul does not directly allude to the image of God in this text, the fact that God made man in His own image, enduing him with rationality, morality, and volition, would seem to be implied by this capacity for seeing God in his environment. By any account, having such a capacity is good.” - Dave Saxon


Is God Selfish?


“One could immediately argue that God is the center of everything and deserves our God-centeredness, and I would fully concur. Nevertheless, I’m convinced we can more fully establish the inherent loving, unselfish nature of God by clarifying three important truths.” - Rooted Thinking


White Fragility and Getting White People to Talk About Racism


“I have had quite a number of people ask my opinion about this book [Robin DiAngelo: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism] … I am going to provide a kind of summary of its contents and then, in a second article, discuss whether it is a helpful resource for Christians. I primarily want to consider the ‘story’ DiAngelo is telling.” - Challies


Theologian and churchman J.I. Packer dies at age 93


“Packer authored hundreds of Christian books and articles over more than half a century, but he’s perhaps best known for his 1973 work Knowing God. Publishers have sold more than 1.5 million copies since the book’s release and have translated it into more than a dozen languages.” - WORLD



John Frame: At 80, I’m More Aware of Mystery


“no matter how much we know, there will always be something beyond us. We cannot know God as God knows himself. Nor can we know anything in creation as God knows it.” - Frame
