The Angel of the Bottomless Pit: Challenging Our Comfortable Worldview, Part 2

Read Part 1.

4. The smoke from the pit darkens an already darkened sun.

When I say “an already darkened sun” I do so because of Revelation 8:12:

Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.


How should "Elohim" in Psalm 8:5 be translated?

As far as I know, Psalm 8:5 is the only verse where the word “Elohim” in translated with uncertainty. Context usually makes it clear, although if you know of another instance, please let me know.

Psalm 8: 4-5 in the ESV reads:

what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings[a]
and crowned him with glory and honor.

In the NASB, verse 5 reads,


4 Distinctives of a Christian View of Race

Reposted from The Cripplegate.

As #BlackLivesMatter, White-Fragility, and White-Privilege become flash points in our society, and as entire organizations have grown up around the concept of “racial reconciliation” it is critical to remember that Christians should think differently than the world on the topic of race.


Martin Lloyd-Jones on the Holy Spirit and Common Grace


“Common grace is ‘the term applied to those general blessing which God imparts to all men and women indiscriminately as He pleases, not only to His own people, but to all men and women, according to His own will’ (24). God sends rain on the just and the unjust. For example, common grace is when sin is restrained in society for the good of all (even unbelievers).” - Servants of Grace


The Answers Christianity Has That Science Doesn’t


“Humans have a unique capacity for wondering about meaning, purpose, and value. … In Born to Wonder: Exploring Our Deepest Questions—Why Are We Here and Why Does It Matter?, Alister McGrath sets out to explore the significance of this remarkable human trait.” - TGC


Why Not Grandchildren? An Argument Against Reformed Paedobaptism


“In this article I offer a further objection to the Reformed paedobaptist argument. It is situated within the Barth-Jewett “similar but not identical” tradition of argumentation, agreeing with them that baptism and circumcision, while “standing in a similar place,” should nonetheless not be strictly equated.” - Themelios


Why I Am a Complementarian


“I write this short piece on complementarianism with this new generation in mind. It is not my aim to give a comprehensive account of every biblical nook and cranny; you can find that elsewhere. What I want to do here is to give a concise, re-presentation of why I am a complementarian, and why I believe you should be, too.” - CBMW
