Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 3)

Read the series.

We have been considering the potential importance of the Great Reset, which has been promised to the world for this year of 2021, and is being discussed this week in virtual meetings for all who care to watch the proceedings unfold.

The Reset is a production of the World Economic Forum, and is backed by many leading figures from around the planet. Its planks include nearly every item that any globalist or climate-change activist could dream of placing on a wish list.


Joseph's Weeping: 7 Strategically Arranged Scenes in Genesis


“In Genesis 37–50, there are seven scenes where Joseph weeps. As we read about Joseph’s emotions, they also stir our own….In the Bible, the use of seven is part of an author’s literary strategy. We can look more closely to see whether these seven scenes have an even more strategic design.” - TGC


The God Who Is There


“Given the cultural challenges facing the church in our day – not only from the outside, but increasingly from within – it is appropriate that we remember some of the keynote truths at the heart of Schaeffer’s work.” - Ref21


The Power of Biography


“The power of human greatness (and, by extension, reading about it) comes from the fruitfulness of the imago Dei, and Christian understandings of biography repeat the theme of the imago Dei shining forth the abundant goodness of its Maker.” - Davenant Institute


Did Jonathan Edwards Undermine Calvinism?


“How can God be truly virtuous, truly good in a meaningful way, and foreordain the fall of humanity into sin and certain individuals to eternal torment in hell? It is impossible to reconcile Edwards’s account of God and virtue and ‘goodness’ with what he believed as a Calvinist about God’s sovereignty with regard to reprobation.” - Roger Olson
