Temptations old books can help us face


“Jacobs’s advice is more applicable to our problems with partisan epistemology—the idea that truth can’t ever straddle political aisles. Jacobs’s advice is to increase our ability to know whom to trust by expanding our ‘personal density’ to include perspectives from the past.” - TGC


Light in the Darkness: A Series for Advent Part Four – Dayspring

Read Part 3.

Light is essential for life, and light is a central subject in the Bible. It literally bookends the storyline, from its creation (Gen. 1:3-4) to the point where it becomes obsolete—aside from the light that emanates from the Son of God Himself (Isa. 60:19-20; Rev. 21:23).


Christmas & the I AM


“In fact, his humanness having a beginning is absolutely essential to truly being human. Jesus is truly man. Therefore, there was a birth, albeit a virgin birth, but a real birth, thus a real man. So, then, how can Jesus claim, he is the I AM in John 8:58 without deserving execution (Lev. 24:16)?” - Cripplegate


Calvinism: How Many Points Do You Embrace?

Although people debate whether Calvin himself was as Calvinistic as his followers, most of us are familiar with the TULIP, 5 points of Calvinism regarding salvation. While many who embrace all or most of Calvin’s points are not necessarily Calvinists in the sense that they agree with his views on baptism, ecclesiology, or eschatology, for example, they might label themselves as such referring to the process of salvation.

T is for total depravity

U is for unconditional election

L is for limited atonement


Book Review: Heaven by Randy Alcorn


“The central endeavor of the book is to dismantle the misconception that the spiritual and material realms are at odds and that the physical has no place in eternity. Alcorn labels this sort of Gnostic thinking as ‘Christo-platonism.’” - 9 Marks


Contra Rod Dreher, Not All Signs Point to a Woke Dictatorship in America


“At its best, the book forces an increasingly frayed and polarized Christian church to answer for its moral and political apathy. Yet Dreher’s work is missing something: a self-awareness, a careful sobriety, a consciousness that even those on the good side can unwittingly become the thing they seek to destroy.” - C.Today


How Postmodern Pseudo-Prophecy Dishonors God


“… in our postmodern age, when truth and reality are considered subjective and based more on feelings than on facts, prophets are not so easily shamed. Making false prophecies doesn’t even cause them to question their prophetic abilities.” - TGC


Best Books for Pastors in 2020


“We asked pastors around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2020 that helped you be a better pastor? We’ve curated their responses below.” - 9 Marks
