The Writing of the Two Testaments: A Consideration

An interesting phenomenon in regard to the reading of the Old Testament and the New is the respective chronologies of the authorship of the canons. Whereas the Old Testament was written over a period of approximately 1,300 years – taking Job as the earliest book (c.1750 B.C.) and Malachi as the last book (c. 450 B.C.), the New Testament was written within one average human lifetime. This represents a vast difference which ought to be given more consideration than it has.


The Poverty of the Prosperity Gospel


“I personally have been ushered out the back door at healing services, after being publicly chastised. Many other disabled people have experienced similar treatment under the assumption that if you’re not healed, it’s your fault. ‘Because God’s will is for everyone to be healed. Always. The faithful will never suffer.’” - C.Leaders


Are There Seven Problems with Pretrib?

Are there seven problems with pretrib? Some prewrath folk recently came together and contributed to a documentary highlighting problems with pretrib. My first thought was, “Only seven?” Of course I’m being sarcastic.

Incidentally, one of the gents involved produced a video ominously asserting that the pretrib rapture is dead! Apparently they’re still trying to kill it.


Book Review – What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics


“O. Carter Snead’s What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics is a momentous achievement, an agenda-setting work offering a philosophically rich argument moving between important moral concepts and applied issues in bioethics. It is also a rare book from an academic press that is accessible to a general audience as well as to specialists in the field.” - Public Discourse


Refugee? Mixed-Race? Please stop co-opting Christ


“…when it comes to identifying Christ as a mixed-race savior or as a refugee, I can understand the desire to do so….It might be simply that they are saddened for the refugees around the world and want to make Jesus more attractive to the refugee they are evangelizing. But even with these motives it is quite dangerous.” - Cripplegate


Personal Thoughts About Commentaries: Daniel

As with the selections on the Book of Revelation, this list will display some bias towards Dispensational works, although I don’t want to fill it up with just those. One big reason for that is because Dispensationalists have not written many great commentaries on any book of the Bible. Often-as-not they have been content to furnish basic commentaries for the masses. The fact is that if a person wishes to go deep into an inspired author he will need to be conversant with many writers who he may not see eye to eye with. So here goes:
