A Conversation with Dane Ortlund about Gentle and Lowly


“In our conversation we talk about the comfort of Christ for the suffering, the effect of isolation on our understanding of Christ as a friend, and the role of the church in bearing burdens and offering healing for those who are struggling.” - Russel Moore


When Paul says that the fruit of the Spirit is goodness what does he mean?


“Think about the goodness of God that saved us. It was the kindness of God extended to undeserving sinners in their time of greatest need. With that as a model perhaps the fruit of goodness is just that. It is kindness. But more than kindness it is kindness extended to even our enemies.” - Ref21


A “Must-Read” Booklist For Those Who Want To Study Theology (Part 1)

I received this question recently:

Thank you for all the material you put out. I have benefitted quite a bit. Do you have a list of books/reading that you would recommend as “must read” for someone wanting to grow theologically? I am a part-time worship pastor and full-time elementary music teacher. Previous experience as lay/part-time church planter, youth pastor, and young adult pastor. No seminary, relatively studied, conservative theologically.
