Two Testaments, but One Bible

When we cross over from the OT into the NT we might think that we ought to expect a very clear continuity. After all the OT, particularly the covenants and the Prophets have led us to expect a great future for the nation of Israel. Even though that people had gone and done their own thing, we would think that God would stick with His covenants and promises to that nation and bring them to Himself. We would also expect to see the arrival of the Messiah, the One whom Israel was expecting.


The Truth Is Always Good: A Tale of Two Books


“Last spring, major publishers released two books… Both authors covered similar ground, but from different convictions. The topic, broadly speaking, was anthropology: who we are as humans—and why understanding our humanity matters. One author took a biblical view and the other, by and large, did not. Both books still seem to be selling well.” - TGC


Conversation with Tim Keller on his new book – Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter


“If I was working on … some theological topic like the Sabbath—I’m sure my cancer would have been a distraction. But this book was on death and resurrection. So every time I wrote it was like having a wrestling-with-God prayer session. It was hard and great—but I always felt God dealing with me and helping me as I wrote.” - Tim Keller


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 5)

Read the series.

In order to properly evaluate the proposed Great Reset in the light of Biblical prophecy, we must first make certain that we understand the world from the vantage point of God Himself.


Satisfying the Multitude


“The folly of crowds. History bears this out in many ways, but the life of Jesus highlights this truth in the most vivid way. The heart of man is indeed fickle, in one moment able to recognize a true authority but in another moment being led by whatever feeds their bellies the most.” - Ref21


Tuesdays in Galilee: Faithful Life in the Old Covenant

I love the Book of Hebrews. It has the deepest Christology in the New Testament and in all of scripture. It also makes us think very deeply about the similarities and differences for the faithful believing life between the Old Covenant and the New. This very issue has come up repeatedly over the past few weeks within my own congregation, as we’ve worked our way through the heart of the “Jesus is the different, better High Priest” section which begins at Hebrews 7.
