The Risky Upside of Missionary Biographies

Reposted from Rooted Thinking

Eighteen-year-old Sarah Hall curled up in her New England home, her legs tucked beneath her voluminous 1700’s skirt.1 Neither the chill of the room nor the hardness of the wooden chair distracted her from her book. She barely noticed her younger brothers and sisters as they noisily went about their business in the common room. The hardbound volume, stiff with newness, recounted the life of the recently deceased missionary Samuel Mills.


Fundamentalist Biographies

Hello, Sharper Iron.

This topic was created to foster discussion on the existence of Fundamentalist biographies. I have been collecting Fundamental Baptist biographies for eight years now, but it has only become a passion for me since last March when everyone was confined to their homes.


What Do Daniel 3:5, 7, 10, and 15 Reveal about Worship Music?

The Spirit inspired Daniel to write four lengthy statements about the musical instruments played prior to the worship of the golden image that king Nebuchadnezzar made:

Dan. 3:5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 4)

In our first three installments on the Great Reset—proposed for the world by the global elite, including politicians as well as many influential corporate leaders—we have looked at some of the basic concepts involved in the Reset, as well as two extremes to avoid when evaluating it from a Christian perspective.


How Shall We Confess the Faith? Strict vs Substantial Subscription (Part 1)

Most churches and denominations require a higher level of commitment to their doctrinal standards from their leaders and teachers than they expect from their members. Historically, there have also been different degrees or levels of subscription expected of church officers, teachers, or candidates for the ministry. On the one hand, some churches advocate modes of subscription that allow for a looser or more flexible commitment to the church’s official creedal statements.


R.C. Sproule on What Is Hell?


“The Judge of all the earth will surely do what is right. No innocent person will ever suffer at His hand.” - Ligonier


A Q&A with delisted author Ryan T. Anderson about Big Tech censorship


“If you want to buy Adolph Hitler’s manifesto Mein Kampf on Amazon, all it takes is a couple of clicks….But neither the online retail giant nor any of its subsidiaries will sell you Ryan T. Anderson’s 2018 bestseller, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment.” - WORLD
