From the Archives – Twelve of the Most Annoying Arguments Used Against Biblical Creation, Part 1

There are certain tasks I do not enjoy having to do on a regular basis. One that immediately comes to mind is garbage night. Every Tuesday night, the garbage cans and recyclables go out to the curb. Rain or shine, hot or cold, it still must be done. Even though I just did it seven days ago, they sit on the driveway waiting to be taken on their weekly walk.


Review: Money, Debt, and Finances


“Any Christian book on this subject faces a challenge: it must deal with both timeless principles and contemporary applications—issues that transcend time and context and those that are inexorably bound to a particular time and a particular context. Money, Debt, and Finances strikes just the right balance.” - Challies


Preparing for Passover

When you represent The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, there is sort of an unwritten rule that you will present Passover Seder demonstrations in the spring, leading up to Easter.

Notice that I am careful to point out the fact that these are educational presentations. We are not mandating that the church return to the Mosaic Law and reinstate the Passover. However, there is so much that we can learn from the wonderfully rich heritage behind this festival—which I call the world’s oldest holiday.


Is mixing religion and politics leading to rise of the 'nones'?


“The marrying of religion and politics among conservatives to create the well-known and powerful religious right that forms a voting bloc for the Republican Party has led some Americans to abandon their ties to the Christian faith and join the ranks of secularists, scholars argue in a new book.” - C.Post


Get Ready for the Great Reset (Part 6)

Read the series.

How are we as Bible-believing Christians—especially those who love Biblical prophecy and interpret it literally from the premillennial, dispensational perspective—to evaluate the boastful claims and outrageous proposals of the promoters of the Great Reset?

We have been examining that question during these days that have included the Davos Agenda—a rather ominous sounding name for an online conference held at the end of January.


Evangelical Thinking on the Trinity Is Often Wrong


Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit. The book… does two things. First, it shows how a good portion of evangelical theology on the Trinity has drifted from the classical Christian tradition.
