Does your church doctrinal statement take a detailed stand on Eschatology?

What do I mean by “detailed” stand. I do not mean inclusion of heaven and hell and judgment. It is a given that almost all good churches would include those things in their doctrinal statement. But by fairly detailed, I mean a specific view on the Millennium and by very detailed an even more specific view about the timing of the Rapture in relation to the Tribulation (for those of us who believe in the Tribulation).


Does your church have a coffee bar?

I am not asking if your church offers coffee, but does it offer expresso, latte, etc? Wondering how widespread this is, and how it is correlated to city/rural.

Poll Results

Does your church have a coffee bar?


Do you embrace the national revival paradigm for ministry?

Not everyone accepts that the Old Testament “revivals” were all that deep, and many do not accept that they are a model for the church (or the present form of the Kingdom). Some look at the subject of “revival” as more of a national thing, when believers experience a time of special commitment and lost people embrace Judeo-Christian morality.


In the west -- in 25 years-- do you think Islam will have as much or more influence than the church?

It is impossible to predict the future beyond what the Bible reveals about the End Times. But, assuming that the Lord does not return during the next 25 years, what will be the influence of Islam compared to the influence of Christianity in the west. By “the west,” we mean Europe (i.e., most of Europe, not necessarily every nation in Europe) and North America (US, Canada, Mexico).


Do you believe Revelation 12:4 teaches that 1/3 of the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion?

I am of the opinion (but not conviction) that there was a star created to correspond to every angel, since both angels and stars are referred to as the “host of heaven.” I also take Isaiah 14:12-15 as referring to the King of Babylon prophetically, but also as a flashback/forward to Lucifer’s fall.

In Luke 10:18 (ESV), Jesus refers to the original fall of Satan, which seems to be directly connected to Isaiah 14:

1And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.


Best Guess: Which category of Scripture is your weakest area (of fluency)?

What part of Scripture is your weakest spot? This may involve a guesstimate. For example, if you are weak in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy but strong in Genesis and Exodus, are you weak in the Torah? That is for you to decide as you compare sections. Your comments are appreciated, as well as testimonies about how you “shored up” weak areas.

Poll Results

Best Guess: Which category of Scripture is your weakest area (of fluency)?


Was the altar in Joshua 22 good, evil, neutral, or ambiguous?

In Joshua 22:10-34, the eastern tribes constructed an altar which they said reminded them of their unity with the other tribes. Was this a good thing, a bad thing, or what? Comments welcome.

(Thanks, Jim Peet, for the idea)

Poll Results

Was the altar in Joshua 22 good, evil, neutral, or ambiguous?


In Judges 11, what happened to Jephthah's Daughter?

Some folks at SI have been discussing Paul Henebury’s review of Chisholm’s new commentary on Judges, which I do not personally own (although I love Leon Wood’s, which Henebury also respects). The question came up about Jephthah’s daughter from Judges 11.
