Are there any national campus ministries you consider the best (or least worst)?
The college years are the best time in life to grow as disciples. Your mind is at its prime, most people are single and do not have the responsibilities of marriage, and life has not yet snuffed out the idealism associated with youth.
Many churches have outreach ministries to college students. I am thinking of Kossuth Street Baptist in Lafayette, IN (and their ministry to Purdue students).
Many Christian students attend secular universities and colleges. What, if any, national/international college outreach ministry do you think is the best? This may translate to “the least worst choice.”
I know “it depends.” IVP at one college can be very different from another, for example.
But, assuming you are going into things blind, and a college student was off to school and asking you for a tentative recommendation, which would you tentatively refer him/her to? In other words, which one would you think is statistically more likely to be more solid?
Poll Results
Are there any national campus ministries you consider the best (or least worst)?
CRU (formerly Campus Crusade) Votes: 1
The Navigators Votes: 2
Inter-Varsity Votes: 1
Baptist Student Union Votes: 1
Other. Votes: 4
….is what I told my daughter. She participates in events with Chi Alpha, loosely connected with the Assemblies of God, because despite their theological differences, it’s what’s going on in Winona. She has sadly visited a few churches in that fair city that…let’s just say they’ve lost their way theologically.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
Of the list I would go with Navigators