What is your opinion about Jesus being born around December 25?

Let me preclude the most obvious comment we might hear: “It doesn’t really matter what day of the year Jesus was born.” Okay, that is a given, at least theologically.

Yet the idea that Jesus’ birth is celebrated on December 25 to replace Saturnalia does, in some regards, cast dispersion on the church of that era. We certainly know paganism had its inroads, but we want to be fair in our assessments. So it has some bearing historically.


Where do we find the prosperity Gospel?

Joel Olsteen. Name it and claim it. The prosperity Gospel is popular on television and building mega-churches.

In your observation, how prevalent is it? How far has the infection spread? Have you heard it preached in unexpected environments?

Your comments about its spread, what the future holds, and how it insidiously creeps in to even good churches is appreciated.

Ideas on combating it also appreciated.

Poll Results

Where do we find the prosperity Gospel?


Do you believe every single sermon should include the Gospel?

I once heard a criticism from a godly older man. He said he heard a sermon at a certain church (which was Bible-believing), and never once in the sermon did the preacher ever mention the name Jesus.

Some today believe the Gospel — some mention of the atoning work of Christ at bare minimum — should be part of every sermon.

There is a difference between saying that a good sermon must always mention the Gospel and that good preaching often includes the Gospel.


Do you think Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes?

Some say Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes. Others think there are perhaps two writers, perhaps Solomon and the “preacher” (Qoheleth). Yet others say Ecclesiastes was composed centuries after Solomon.

What is your opinion.

Comments appreciated.

Also, any thought on Ecclesiastes itself are welcome.

Poll Results

Do you think Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes?


Are you planning to boycott or reduce viewing/attending Pro-football games?

This is probably one of those polls that might not interest our international participants, but all are welcome to vote and comment. Comments from folks who are not in or from the USA can be especially enlightening.

A lot of people — from a variety of belief systems — are unhappy about professional football players who refuse to respect the flag. The president and others have suggested a boycott of the sport.

Do you have an opinion about this?

I am not a football fan, so a boycott or non-boycott look the same.


How Does Your Church Most Often Respond Financially to Far Away Disaster Relief?

Lately it seems like we have had a surge in natural disasters. The U.S. has been hit with two hurricanes, flooding, and severe fires. Mexico was with a hurricane followed by an earthquake. The Hurricanes ravaged the Caribbean islands. Japan, Burma, China— and a number of other regions have been hit with flooding, earthquakes, or other disasters.

I am not equating these with end time prophecies, only saying it seems more than usual lately. These things always occur, and sometimes they cluster.


Is war with North Korea likely?

It’s in the news constantly. Is Kim Jong-un going to actually start a war, and a nuclear one at that? Or is he the boy who cried “wolf” so many times that the rest of the world refuses to bow to his demands?

Will he start a war “by accident,” playing around with missiles until one accidentally hits an unintended target? With a leader whose sanity we might question, anything could happen.

There is a lot going on here, no doubt. Most people believe that China is the key. Some have compared our current state to the Cuban missile crisis.


What is your marital status?

Our views regarding divorce and remarriage differ quite a bit in this discussion forum. Such differences reflect our individual attempts to harmonize a number of Scriptures and Biblical pinciples, not from a “liberal-conservative” continuum.

SI is a very conservative website, but all our members live in the real world in a real culture. Our lives are never ideal, but some of us have more traditional situations than others.


How Deeply Should We Separate from Hillsong?

Hillsong is both a sort of denomination/movement and a musical group, producing some popular praise choruses (Mighty to Save, Shout to the Lord),

The belief system of the church/group is of the “name it and claim it” type, not just charismatic.

Lately, it seems like the church/group is no longer willing to condemn the gay lifestyle, which is troubling to those of use who hold a Biblical position.
