The Cutting Edge: Technology & Church Ministry

All churches employ forms of modern technology to assist them in the tasks of outreach, discipleship, community, and worship. This raises the question as to whether the Bible provides the church with any guidelines or principles for choosing and using appropriate forms of technology in carrying out her Great Commission. I believe it does. One key text in this regard actually comes from the Old Testament. I’m thinking of Ecclesiastes 10:10, where we read, “Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade.


How the 2010s Gave Us Unlimited Choices, but Little Meaning


“The 21st century has given us great abundance and almost unlimited choices but a minimum of meaning. Again, Sacks writes: ‘Science tells us how but not why. Technology gives us power but cannot guide us as to how to use that power.’” - IFWE


2 Email Scams Your Church Should Guard Against


“The first scam directs emails at church staff. In it, ‘the pastor’ requests the recipient to send funds or gift cards with PINs….The second scam is worse because it targets congregants. Seeming to be from “the pastor” or a trusted church leader, congregants are asked to wire funds or send gift cards with PINs.” - Church Leaders


Beware the Technological Imperative: Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should


“When I think of ministries and organizations and their technology support needs, I often question if we are supporting things we should support or supporting things we shouldn’t even be attempting. My computer can support up to 12 monitors, does that mean I should, or I should add that support load to someone else so I can have 12 monitors?” - Church Leaders


PayPal Just Made Filming Porn a Little More Difficult


“Late Wednesday night, PayPal made filming pornography just a little more difficult by announcing it will no longer accept payments for Pornhub, one of the most-visited websites on the internet.” - Faithwire


Should social media companies be treated like publishers and broadcasters?


“A large newspaper can easily control their own writers and contributors. So, too, can a cable news channel or a network. But there is no practical way that a social media platform can exercise meaningful supervision over the material that billions of people could potentially share.” - Acton


Inside the dystopian nightmare of an internet shutdown


“In 2018 there were 196 documented internet shutdowns [by governments] across 25 countries, primarily in Asia and Africa, according to a report released by the Keep It On coalition.” - Cnet


Why (More Than Ever Before) You Need to Read Deeply


“Birkerts puts his point succinctly near the end of the book: ‘My core fear is that we are, as a culture, as a species … giving up on wisdom, the struggle for which has for millennia been central to the very idea of culture.’” - TGC
