Technology Promises Connection, but Gen Z Sees a Paradox


“…while teens appreciate the connection and information that tech provides them, they also worry that their devices are cutting both ways: harming their ability to connect to others and making them even more bored than they were before they picked up their device.” - Barna


11 Ways I Am Reducing the Downside of Using Social Media


“4. Read more books. In her book iGen, Jean Twenge shows research that reading of books and long-form articles is dropping significantly ….Jennifer Lyell used to say something like, ‘we need weighty content that is developed and designed for more than consumption at a stop light.’” - C.Leaders


Steady as the Seasons Change


“In an unsteady world, the seasons can bring ballast. God’s creation is like that. It’s a steadying, sublime resource for sanity in an insane world—if we can only turn off our devices long enough to avail ourselves of its gifts.” - TGC


Friends, If I Unfriend You, Here’s Why


“…please (especially to my Christian friends, I beg of you) please stop • mocking • denigrating • demonizing • and dehumanizing people who hold opposing positions. They are image-bearers of God. And they are as deeply loved by their creator as you are.” - C.Leaders


“...our online life is limited by the information bubbles we choose to inhabit”


“Humans tend to have an anchoring bias, a cognitive bias that causes us to rely too heavily on the first piece of information we are given about a topic. It’s a tendency highlighted in Proverbs 18:17: ‘The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.’” - TGC


Facebook’s Unenviable Position


“The Left’s efforts to bully the social-media giant have nothing to do with protecting democracy, and everything to do with political expediency.” - N. Review
