National Day of Unplugging: Are you ready?


“National Day of Unplugging [March 6] is part of a global effort to recognize that we are missing out on so many opportunities to have real connections instead of just digital ones. Check out the National Day of Unplugging website and consider taking the one-day pledge.


“As we increasingly interact with intelligent machines, will they be responsible to make up for our failures?”


“What if this is a metaphor for our autonomy in general? We humans like to talk about human ingenuity as our own greatest hope. We’re confident that if we work together we can solve society’s worst problems. We’ll even pretend that we can deliver the planet. But we’d also like to keep the argument in our back pocket that when things go badly wrong God should have done something.


“Social-media platforms have transformed over time to reward mob mentalities instead of civil discourse.”


“Managing social media for a large Christian organization, I see Christians shine the bright light of the gospel and mercilessly eviscerate others online every single day. I fear many of us have fallen into feedback loops created by algorithms intended to generate engagement, and have lost sight of our calling to be known by our mutual love (John 13:34–35).” - TGC


How Mini Sabbaths Will Save Your Brain


“Taking a walk around my rural neighborhood, I’m fortunate that my circuit involves a significant elevation gain. The physical exertion of climbing slows my mind’s chatter. I’m working my body, but my mind rests.” - Intellectual Takeout
