ERLC's AI statement voices hope, concern


“The statement comes at a time when artificial intelligence (AI) is growing in use with such products as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa to driverless cars and applications in such fields as business, finance, health care and the military.” - BPNews


Artificial intelligence to draw evangelical focus


“The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission will host an event in Washington, D.C., at which the “Evangelical Statement of Principles on Artificial Intelligence” will be released. The document is intended to provide the church with an ethical foundation for how to think about artificial intelligence” - BPNews


Is It Morally Okay to Keep Updating My Things?


“I’m not that old, but it seems like a lifetime ago that it was acceptable to keep things until they were broken. Now if my phone is more than a year old or if I haven’t remodeled my kitchen in the past decade, I’m out of date. Is there a moral right or wrong to this consuming of new and updated models of stuff?” - TGC


American women don't owe feminists for their modern lives


Women often think that “owe their lives to the women (i.e., feminists) who came before them. After all, that’s what they’ve been told over and over and over again. It’s a lie. Technology, labor-saving devices, and reliable birth control are what liberated women from the taxing work of child care and household maintenance.


The Social Media Censorship Dumpster Fire


“It’s incredibly reassuring to hear that flat-earthers and 9/11 truthers can also double as the speech police. Oh, and arguments about censorship decisions can get so intense that moderators would threaten supervisors with physical violence if they overruled their decision.” - National Review
